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I bounce and I spin and I spin again. I spin the pipe and make it crack Crack back back pack crack pack always exploring. Exploring the essence, the aura, the soul. I spun and I spit on the dick as I lick and I lack any sort of cum on my lips. My blow is slow and thick and full of girth. That hit I just took makes you do the hokey pokey. Spin around nineteen times and find me in a room. With the lights cut off and your bodies dripping sweat as we slip and slide. As I hide these these cookies from ya mouth. The monster inside of you will always say. Hell Leopard, Hell Leopard I need you, I need you. Hell Leopard Hell Leopard this hit is for you. *(Take a huge hit and exhale and say this twice)* Alazakazambra, Alzakazambra Marques ………Alazakazambra Alazakazambra Marques I wanna fuck. Sincerely, HelllEOpard2.33

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